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If we're factoring the multiplayer, 3D World is up there with the best of them. As a whole though, Mario 64 is still near and dear to my heart, partly because of nastalgia maybe, but also because it's simply the most fun and provided the biggest sense of wonder I've had playing through out of any of them.

Though Odyssey is winning me over more and more, especially now that I'm delving into New Donk, which is my favorite kingdom thus far. Love the more open world aspect of the game, and that you can grab moons on the fly without the game forcing you to restart the stage each time like 64. I also love the cool 2D throwback portions, and actually wish they had included more of them. Couple of negatives - it's still not quite as massive and open world as I envisioned, and the hat throwing/enemy controlling gimmick, while amusing, can get old and feels awkward at times. Overall though excellent game.

The Galaxy games were cool in their own way, but a bit too on the gimmicky and linear side for me. Sunshine was the most bland and least memorable. The tropical theme and setting looked pretty initially but got old fast, as did the hosing down paint concept.

Right now it's a toss up between Mario 64 and Odyssey. And 3D World gets an honorable mention if only for its enjoyable multiplayer.


"We hold these truths to be self-evident - all men and women created by the, go-you know.. you know the thing!" - Joe Biden