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When the Wii gets anywhere near the PS1 or PS2 (or I bet anything the 2013 PS3 totals) numbers in the 100 million plus range feel free to call me a fanboy and point out Nintendomination. Nintendo has "won" before with the domination of the first and to a lesser extent the second generation of post atari consoles and given it up in large part because they dropped off on innovation and fell too far behind in technology. Given that Nintendo hasn't had a hit since the early 90s super Nintendo they were due for one. The N64 and Gamecube were both boondongles and Sony has yet to make a failing console (the rumors of the PSPs death were greatly exaggerated for one thing)

You act like one or two years of Nintendo selling more is greater then the 11 years of Sony on top by a good margin. If you think once the PS3 starts rolling through the end of this year with quality exclusives and a lower price its going to stay in 3rd you missed the last two generations. I bet you anything over its lifetime the PS3 will sell tens of millions more then the Wii since it won't be truly obsolete for 6 or 7 more years while the Wii has about 2 left.

And yes "Nintendomination" is flame bait especially because its barely true. PS2 with 70% of the market (sometimes more) was domination, Sony still gets about 40% of the sales in many markets with Nintendo picking up about 50% between console and portable sales, they lost to Nintendo on gaming revenue by only about 20% through 2007 which was a bad year for Sony compared to this year so far. The only console really failing is Microsoft with its rather sad 10% of the video game market. When Nintendo controls 70% of the market and Sony is down in the depths of console purgatory like MS has been the last two generations feel free to claim victory. Maybe if Nintendo wins we can have 2001 console tech for another 10 years! Lucky us.


Oh for the numbers complaint 120 million+25 million+ 21 million=166 million which is a 72% market share for the PS2 last gen.  Thats of course somewhat unfair to the PS2 since its still selling and probably has at least a year left if not 2.  I doubt Sony will end with 72% again this time, but 50% isn't out of the picture when all the consoles are gone.  Probably about 30% Wii at 60 million, 20% 360 around 35 million and 50% PS3 around 100 million.

 PSN ID: ChosenOne feel free to add me