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Shaunodon said:
zippy said:


unfortunately modern, ambitious 3rd party games require more and more space these days, and Sony/Microsoft compensate for this by including sufficient internal storage. I will be getting LA Noir for my Switch, as well as any other multiplat that interests me due to portability, however being able to play them will now require me to purchase a micro SD card. Not a massive issue, but another cost I believe could have been avoided, its not entirely the fault of he third parties and I can see why as a business they will go for the cheaper card option when they are not guaranteed big sales. This is a scenario where, because these games will require external space to play them it will hamper sales and low sales will make third parties chose a cheaper option and thus the cycle continues. Sufficient internal storage would have gone some way to bridge that gap in my opinion.

This sentence doesn't make sense. The only reason it requires external space is because they chose the cheaper cartridge in the first place; if they wanted to see the true sales potential, they could have put the whole game on a 32GB cart and eaten the cost (they're already charging $10(US) extra anyway).

This! why charge 10 bucks extra and then not deliver with a bigger cartridge.