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CrazyGamer2017 said:
fory77 said:

clickbait is the only way us hard working journalists could compete with the big guys

Am i right to say that you don't really like nation states or nationalism? Or is it only in this context?

Well, as a philosopher once said "Patriotism is the love of your country, nationalism is the hate of the others"

Perhaps I should describe myself as a supra-nationalist in the sense that I prefer unions like the EU to nations. But nations exist and will be around for a long time so in that context I think that with all the nations in the world the situation is complex enough as it is without the need for regions to want independence and thus making things even more complicated.

This is even more important in today's world of globalisation and the internet where everyone can communicate with anyone all over the world. The notion of nations becomes blurry and not as strong as it used to be. It used to be that people from two different nations had nothing to do with each other, nothing to share (except hatred and war) but now all that stuff is making less and less sense, we share more and more, we talk as if there was no borders, we come and go and the borders are becoming irrelevant. So when a bunch of ignorant nationalists with no concept whatsoever of the world as it is today, want to create MORE borders, more frontiers, more separations, I tend to disagree with them in an absolute manner.

So I guess the simple answer to your question is I tolerate nations cause they are already the union of smaller groups, I tolerate them because one day I hope they will themselves unite with other nations to create a supra-nation like the European Union is doing, like the United States is. And in that state of mind I resent separatists like the Catalans or the Flemings in my country and I believe that Brexit is a monumental mistake due to a lack of vision of the big picture so to speak.

What i meant by nationalism is more a sort of ethno-linguistic nationalism, or if you prefer ethno-linguistic patriotism. I believe there should be an independent France wherever mainly French people live, an independent Bulgaria wherever mainly Bulgarians live... all with varying degrees of economic integration. The EU seems to agree with me more or less so far. However, as you say, they want to create a super state. Why? 

(Maybe just ignore this whole section) Why would/should a bunch of ignorant nationalists care about the endgame of globalisation, just give them what they want. In a stable, peaceful planet i guess globalisation is inevitable, so why risk all the unrest and instability to avoid a map changing? But back to the real world, i'm just gonna say it. It's not the end of history, we don't know what will happen. I just want stability, peace and a computer.

(couldnt find a place to put this and couldnt just delete it) nations will likely exist even in that future as there will always be some way to divide people into groups (religion, language, race, class ,ideology, geography, philosophy, gender even)