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Well, here we are - a good 6 weeks after GTA has been released (and at the cusp of the MGS release). And what has changed from a few months ago?

If anything, Nintendo is dominating harder, and stronger than ever before. Its starting to look more and more, like the Wii = PS2, 360 = GC, PS3 = XBOX from last generation - Wii may yet be on track for 60%+ marketshare (if GTA didn't help hardware, what will? More price cuts?).

Here is a snapshot of the worldwide, weekly sales 6th June 2008:

Here is a summary of the top#50 titles, with one restriction - titles must have been on sale for 5 weeks or more:

#1 - WiiSports, 25m

#3 - Mario Kart Wii, 5.5m

#5 - WiiPlay, 12.7m

#9 - GTA4 (360), 5.4m

#10 - WiiFit, 4.6m

#13 - GTA4 (PS3), 3.8m

#15 - Mario Kart DS, 10.8m

#16 - NSMB, 14.6m

#17 - Mario & Sonic @ Olympics (Wii), 4.5m

#18 - Mario & Sonic @ Olympics (DS), 2.1m

#20 - Brain Training, 13.1m

#22 - Nintendogs, 18.5m

#24 - More Brain Training, 11.2m

#26 - Brawl, 5.4m

#27 - Mario Party DS, 4m

#28 - Pokemon (DS), 14.8m

#29 - Galaxy, 6.6m

#30 - Pokemon Dungeon 2, 2.2m

#31 - CoD4 (360), 6.1m

#33 - Imagine: Babiez, 1.8m

#34 - Guitar Hero III (Wii), 2.7m

#35 - Rock Band (360), 1.5m

#37 - Zelda DS, 4.2m

#38 - Links Crossbow, 2.0m

#40 - CoD4 (PS3), 3.3m

#41 - Carnival Games, 2.0m

#42 - Game Party, 880k

#43 - GT4 Prologue (PS3), 1.7m

#46 - Boom Blox, 46k

#47 - GH3 (360), 3m

#48 - Pro Evolution (PS2), 3.2m

#49 - MHP2:F (PSP), 2.2m

#50 - Imagine: Fashion (DS), 1.2m


Quick analysis:

- 33 titles in the list

- 1 PSP title (exclusive)

- 1 PS2 title (no exclusives)

- 3 PS3 titles (1 exclusive)

- 4 360 titles (no exclusives)

- 24 Wii/DS titles, 11 Wii exclusives (GH3 only exception), 12 DS exclusives (every title)

- 4 Wii titles, NOT published by Nintendo (ignoring M&S games)

- Mario Kart DS (to date) has outsold GTA4 on both platforms combined

- M&S is approaching 7m (cumulative) sales - and could reach 10m lifetime (assuming it gets a good boost from the Olympics).

Very interesting to see the most successful games on the 360/PS3 are NOT exclusives (from this snapshot anyway). Wonder how long MGS will hold its own in the top#50 charts - no doubt will take #1 next week.

Yet basically every successful DS/Wii title is an exclusive (even non-Ninty titles) - probably due to the "unique" nature of the platforms.


Either way - could things actually get WORSE for the HD-platforms? Or is this Nintendomination at its ultimate level?

Gesta Non Verba

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