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Fei-Hung said:
Everyone has that thing where they have to buy something. I had an issue with watches, jackets, trainers and aftershaves.

At one point I owned over 50 bottles of aftershave, some worth £200 a bottle.

My watch obsession led to go owning almost a dozen watches, a couple worth almost £5k each.

Jackets I had almost 2 dozens off with the average cost being £500.

The point is, it's not as bad you think, it could be worse and as long as you're happy and it's not affecting you in a bad way, it's okay.

Don't know how I missed this post. I agree. There's people in my town who buy thousands of dollars worth of guns and then just lock them in a display case. I make sure every single bill is paid before I "waste" a penny so at least there's that. I don't have any relatively bad habits like smoking, drinking, etc so things could be worse.

baloofarsan said:
d21lewis said:
In a way, it's pretty sad.

Oh, and don't get me wrong. I'm well adjusted, have friends, people who admire me, and I live a very productive and fulfilling life. It's just that, sometimes I look at my collection--stuff that makes me really happy--and I feel really sad.

I am not really sure why you feel sad. I could almost be your father (58 birthday soon) but gaming is my most beloved hobby.

When my kids grew up in the 80s and 90s I provided them with PCs and consoles and games as much as I could. They had fun, I had fun and occasionally even my wife joined in. Our house was, like yours, often full of kids that played games. We had all kinds of consoles and games, Nintendo, Sega, PC, PlayStation, Xbox, Gameboy etc.

Now they are grown up but I am the one that likes gaming the most.

Are you sad because you think that gaming is not a legitimate hobby at your age? People spend ridiculous amounts of time and money on crazy hobbies. Crazy hobbies like golf, wine, movies, sports, books, theatre, journeys and collecting art. These activities are more socially acceptable nowdays but  they are in no way "better" in any way than gaming. 

Be proud of your collection and think of all the joy you have had trough gaming and if you can not share this joy with other adults then keep it to yourself.

Missed your post, too! I guess I feel sad every now and then because I miss my cousin. He taught me to love movies, comic books, gaming, outdoors, and everything. He basically programmed me! It's not just games but I often think, "Man, if he could be around to see this."


But, for the most part, I couldn't be happier. I tell my wife all the time that we live a blessed life. I work with a lot of people who have suffered REAL tragedy. Cancer, paralyzed children, losing their mothers, etc. People would kill to have my "problems"!