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Nem said:

I heard Scotland and Venezuela recognised it. Guess it was a joke. :P

No one recognised Kosovo at the start either. It is stupid though. When it becomes a blood bath i'm blaming the EU countries for having been passive to it rather than protect the will of the people.

This is so stupid because so many countries began like this. This is the countries saying they hope Spain solves the problem peacefully. Once they don't there will be interventions.

Portugal, the Netherland and Belgium would still be a part of Spain if their constituion was what mattered. The hypocrisy is strong.

Errorist76 said:

You honestly believe Catalonia doesn't want to be part of the EU?! The only thing they want is not needing to help out the rest of the poorer country.

Oh didn't say anything of the sort. Wether they join the EU or not is irrelevant.

The EU is the power body of europe. A union based on democracy and freedom for europe. If this becomes a bloodbath, in the heart of europe, the EU is confirmed as a sham for letting it happen.

I'm in favor of the EU. I want it to work. But if the people in it's heart cannot count with it's protection, what good is it? It's not much of a union.

Like Spain, wich despite what castellans will tell you isn't a union. It's a collection of kingdoms conquered through intimidation and mariage. It's people never had a vote in the matter. Nowadays, this is catching up to them and the castellans, used to intimidating the others will never give it up. This will become a bloodbath. I am convinced of that. It's how they always did things.

as I said before, I really believe that this is all for money, at least in the biggest part

will Catalans get anything from indepence apart from stop being drawn back from the poorer rest of Spain? the EU is afraid that it will cause a domino effect if they support it, rich regions will start breaking off here and there, so we'll have tons of rich micro-states, which is not democracy at all, it is more money for the few rich, and less for the poor

I know Catalonia is more than that, they have a language etc, but there is international and constitutional law that must be obayed, in this case democracy and freedom starts running in reverse of the majority's favor, and the world will never be stable

don't mind my username, that was more than 10 years ago, I'm a different person now, amazing how people change ^_^