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I prefer the Wii right now but I am really itching to get a PS3 soon. Once I have the funds secured i'll definitely grab one so I don't "hate" the PS3.  If it ever seems like i'm bashing the PS3 unfairly it's because I view it like I view Macs.  Macs are great computers but the mactards online piss me off and as much as I want a PS3 some Sony fans just rub me the wrong way so I love to jump and yell at Crazzyman and others.

And the only reason I am not getting a 360 is that the games I want to play can be played on the PS3 or PC anyway. The 360 console-exclusives aren't games i'm interested in yet whereas the PS3 has some exclusives I am interested in along with getting a BR player.  I'm sure there'll be a couple of 360 exclusives by generation's end that I want to play and at that point it'll just come down to figuring out if it's worth throwing down the cash for the system for those games if I can't find somebody whose system I can just borrow.