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Tryklon said:

The right to self determination is one of the pillars of the Universal Declarion for the Human Rights...

As a Portuguese, I fully support Catalonia, in fact, we fought for the same and on the 1st of December of 1640 we achieved it!!!
Was it legal? You can bet the hell it wasnt :D

Spain is not a country, is an amalgamation of unified kingdoms, most of them against the peoples will...

Not to mention monarchy, I mean, really? In 2017 a little girl with 6 or 7 years old is already decided to be the chief of state when she grows up? Thats ridiculous and an insult to the people! This is not the middle ages...

Down with inherited rights! Long live the conquered rights! Long live the Republic and the Democracy!

Self determination by a majority, there is no proof independentists are a majority on Catalonia, right now catalonia is a country where probably most people want to stay with Spain and where independentists had been promised to become way richer now when that's a huge lie since they have to leave the EU and most of its exportations go to Spain, a thousand companies have been abandoning Catalonia this weeks. There hasn't been any democratic process to claim self determination, there hasn't been campaign for the YES and for the NO, only for the YES, pure manipulation.

Oh, and there is also Monarchy in many more countries like UK, Netherlands or Denmark, some of the most developed countries in the world, so what's your point?