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memory2zack said:

I played the Witcher too, but from the isometric view which wasn´t action, but more strategic.

What do you mean chance is already provided? If you miss an attack or a spell is interrupted and so on or depending on the skill you use, you still take a risk and it can have a detrimentous effect. If you play Vagrant S tory you´ll see what bad things can happen.

Depending on which jRPG you play, you can have direct or indirect  input on stats.

 Sorry, that was a goofy wording.  What I meant to say was that the rules, stats, and story are provided.  The element of chance is also present.  So, it is more like a strategy game where you must decide which skill to use but there is the chance it may not work.  What I am saying basically that JRPGs use the elements of P&P games that are not actual roleplaying, the stats, rules, and chance.  The story, which is the role-playing part, is entirely provided for you with little choice required by the player.  The analogy, if run backwards, would be a GM of a P&P game that handed you your character sheet, did all the conversations for you, but had you handle picking skills for the character, choosing which skill to use in combat, and picking which enemy to attack.

I give that post a 9.7. 

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