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Swordmasterman said:
I think I'm a good in fighting games, but I'm just a average player overall.

I've tried to play League of Legends, I think I played season 3 to 5, but I only managed to get to Gold 2.

Managed Plat 5 playing with a decent duo player..... as a support/jungler.

But yeah... Im avg at best too. League is more about knowledge and makeing smart choices, than actual micro-management stuff (skills).

I suck at fighting games, and generally dont play them.

Jrpgs? non of them really take "skills" to play, again its just putting in the work, and embraceing the grind :)

Platformers? Im okay, but Id not willing do the cuphead level of insanity I see there (doesnt seem fun), neither do those insane Mario Makers levels where they replay the same level for a year trying to get through them.


I dont think you need to be "good" at gaming to enjoy it.