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call me crazy, but i say 1mill first week. Whats with everybody giving this game low numbers of sales. If we were talking about halo, egveryone would say 3 million. I'm tired of it. I'm no fanboy but if this game doesn't get 10 rating, neither does gta iv or halo 3 deserve a 10 rating. They hype this game so much and it will sell a lot. Some 360 fanboy said that gears of war 2 will be better and that they should skip this game. I just want to point something out to all 360 fanboys. The 360 is no the best system of all time. Don't get me wrong its a great system, but microsoft tries way to hard to destroy sony. I'm really dissapointed in the generation were in on video consoles. I think two genertions before was better, this was one is okay but could be better.