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People seriously need to calm down. Getting all crazy on a reviewer for a low score.

I mean how dare he give it a 9.3?!?!

ugh...... I miss the days when we only got riled up and crucified reviewers for giving 8.8s.

For all the talk about how reviewers are overrating products these days whenever a notorious game comes out the fans refuse to take any reviews under 9.5 seriously. You're all just encouraging this annoying cycle which will end up with a review system of 10.1/10 for great games and 10.0/10 for garbage.

It's gotten to the point I can't even blame the reviewers. They should have better journalistic integrity and rate a game based on its merits without bowing to pressure to inflate scores but apparently a bad score ruins your credibility and you are suddenly 'biased' and if hits/subscriptions drop the site/magazine will suffer.

Edit:  As much as I love GR for going back and checking random games and comparing review averages between titles they play a huge part in this.  Without GR/MC giving an overall score for a game people would just disregard a score they didn't like and go on with their lives.  Now people are taking reviews personally if it looks to have a chance to hurt their favorite game's overall average.