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 The only video baseball game I have ever enjoyed.  However, there need to be different fighting modes depending which positions are battling. 

For example, if a batter decides to "charge the mound", then the game should shift to an mode like the  old "Discs of Tron" arcade where the pitcher would attack and the batter would evade and deflect.  They would be fighting from floating discs because the mound and the batters box would blast into the sky.

Fighting between basemen and base runners would be similar to the original (except upgraded with modern 3D fighting mechanics).  You should still be able to upgrade the weapons and armor systems of your bots though (think Soul Caliber).

There would still be models of robot (and the model would affect abilities), but in addition to the tank, flybot and humanoid, you should be able to add transformation circuity that would enable transformations (perhaps into robotic animal forms for extra speed.)  Transformation ability would be very costly, but usable in battle!

Robots would still be perminately destroyed if their health points reach zero, so switching out players and strategy will be a must.

The game should ship with an editor so that you can create your own bots.  The editor should be able to take a common jpeg picture file and "robotize" them allowing you to put yourself or any other character you may want on the team.

 Oh well, everyone can dream...