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Hiku said:

First of all, if you read further down in that same post you'll see that I pointed out the green boarders in the same post. So no, I was clearly not trying to act as if I couldn't see it for two additional seconds. Is that a motive that even seems plausible to you?
If that was the case I would either not have pointed it out myself just two sentences below without any additional instructions from him whatsoever as to where I could find it. Or I would have deleted the former statement in that same post because it became redundant just two sentances later. And I did consider deleting it.

I had already read further down the post. I had also read your previous posts where you act as though you don't know what he is talking about. That is a motive that seems plausible to me considering your defensive manner towards P5. You asked, then asked again, about the sides of the screen that consistantly moved when they were CLEARLY moving. It wasn't until the third time that you mentioned noticing the moving sides as if to say they aren't a bother at all because the game is so great. Under this type of thought process one could just say, "Oh I don't notice it at all, don't know what you are talking about!", when really, they do notice it but don't want to give any points towards a view that would oppose P5 in any manner.

If you couldn't actually see the gifs or could only see them as still-frames, then I apologize, but it seems awfully clear that you intentionally evaded acknowledging the presence of the morphing sides to accomplish the thought that the moving sides weren't bothersome. The moving sides were quite clearly moving, no way anyone could have mistaken that or misinterpreted. But if all you could see was a still-frame then again, I apologize.