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Weee responding time before work.

Riot, I can perfect shield well because I practice online a lot, however when theres marginal input lag I spot dodge instead. I'm also very very used to the Marth Vs. Dedede match up from tournaments, it'll be very hard to suprise me.

Yoshi Vs. any floaty character = Fail. Poor Yoshi can just get spiked spammed if he comes out to edge guard. I've done it many many times with my Kirby.

Pikachu Vs. Fox = Toasty space animal. Just ask Shea =p

Jski. Luigi may have 3 potential recovery moves, but rarely does he ever use all 3 during a recovery. Luigi Missle needs a charge to gain enough horizontal distance to be worth using so he needs to be high, in which case he's making it back anyway. Luigi Tornado can only be used for recovery if they keep their second jump. Meaning knocking them away for a second time severely gimps them. Jump Punch is purely vertical, so not the most optimal thing unless your 3 feet away from the stage edge.

Also, you can control the direction of the attack on Double Team by holding a direction when the attack fires. Using it near a stage edge is never a good idea though as it will either shoot you away a distance or shoot you underneath the stage.

My Creations in Modnation Racers! Check zhem!