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Pk9394 said:
maybe you should come back to reality??? saying something will happen in the future will not guaranteed it'll happened, whats happening now is what it count the most. Saying they are planing some huge in the futuer without a definite time frame is a "Very defensive" statement. until the day I see them announce something big then I'll believe them, as of right NOW there aren't anything big from Capcom. don't get me wrong I do love to see something huge from them in the future, but I just hate the fact they come out right now talking about future without a definite time frame. like I said arguing about a future statement is pointless.

Fanboy rants??? I"m not a wii fanboy, I got every console from the NES era to current, except ps3 which I can still walk downstair from the house and snag it from my cousin. Shit I bet I got more sony product in my house than you. From Cellphones(k750i,W800i,P900i,W850i, old ass sony erricson model, K850i), TV(plasma), CD players, consoles ps1 and ps2, and many other electronic appliance. I just don't like the fact 3rd party company come out said one thing while their action is contradict their statement. if you read clearly I did stated "By E3" there will be more game getting announce, I was only arguing whats being currently announced.

for Tenchu I'm not sure if the developer is own by Ubisoft and I'm to lazy to look up. you consider those AAA and big buget???? maybe you only slashing your own tires.


Sorry, that is one of the more juvenile responses I have seen in quite a while ...

Anyways, the announcment of games like Spyborgs, Tenchu 4, Mad World, and The Conduit at this point in the year is a very good sign for the Wii regardless of what you (or Ail) may think. Typically the months leading up to E3 tend to be very quite for major game announcements because publishers tend to hold of unitl E3 to make the biggest splash; the games that tend to be announced at this time of the year are typically the games a publisher feels will be lost in the crowd of all of the games announced at E3. If these games are going to be lost in the crowd at E3, what is going to be announced?