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memory2zack said:

True, but many jRPGs are still story-driven RPGs, although with few freedom of choice, you can customize your characters the way you want, from the weapons he will wield to the skills he will learn and also have various paths. They just don´t that much of an alinear path like western RPGs.

 Also, an important factor is chaos/luck (rolling the dice) which most RPGs have, but generally Action RPGs lack.

 What is funny about the view of RPGs as stats, dice, and chance is that in P&P gaming, these things only exist to accustom players to thinking about their actions in the terms of the world they are in.  Dice and chance exist to force players to consider their actions since there are potentially negative consequences of their actions.  Stats and chance, though, don't make it role playing.  The story is unprovided by the game.  Players and the GM bring that to the game.  In a JRPG, the stats, chance, and story are already provided.  The player is not taking a role.  They are, however, making decisions as to which characters they bring to fight and what strategy they will use to fight.  Again, much more of a strategy game.

I give that post a 9.6. 

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