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If you have played previous Metal Gears, two things-

The controls have been slightly tweaked- hand to hand combat is R1 based and not circle button based


You HAVE to play this on the hardest difficulty setting to really appreicate it. The AI is extremely tough to beat, and the 'gaps' in security patrols are hard to find. For example, its not a spoiler to say the section where in the E3 trailer Snake uses the camo to hold the statues penis area, that immediate sneaking section is so hard on the highest difficulty...and its only half an hour into the game.

I also love the way this game throws you right into the action. The previous 3 games all you had you arrive in your destination, usually unarmed but away from danger. This puts you right into the war, and when the MILD SPOILER Gekkos first attack MILD SPOILER END i nearly bricked it.

Awesome game!

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot