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Hiku said:
Ultr said:
 I mean everything on the screen is moving at the same time.

No it's not.
Can you show us examples of what it is you're refering to?

Ultr said:
When I am walking through a door they implemented thousands of animations just for the door transition.

You mean this?

That's a loading screen. Not UI.
And that's one animation. Not thousands.

This is Persona 4's loading screen:

It's also one animation. But just a spinning card.
I prefer one that shows you something relavant to the situation (People walking in a bustling city, etc) so you're not taken out of the moment while waiting for the screen to finish loading.

In the dungeons the whole screen is moving at all times

Again, no it doesn't. Neither "the whole screen", nor "the whole time". Can you show us what you actually mean without hyperbole because I can't understand what it is you're talking about?

and even the edges of the screen have a pattern on a pattern that are both moving!

A pattern on a pattern at the edges of the screen?


Dude, I have literally no idea about what you're talking about ragerding anything you said in this topic. I'm not joking or being sarcastic at all.
Please show us examples.
Nothing except this:

every menu has thousands of different animations and pictures just cause..there is no reason!!


exactely there you have this pattern on the side that is constantly moving around and when kamoshida shows up another pattern appears outside of that pattern. its like a pattern in a pattern everything is moving.


The other thing that I mean is when you open a door. The screen is painted black and Joker jumps into the picture and jumps out of the picture, and the black screen behind starts wobbling.
All I am doing is going through a door xD