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Kasz216 said:
DragonLord said:

I know that I hate it that SRPG's are considered JRPG's.

Whenever I say that the ps3 doesn't have any JRPG's coming out in the near future, I realize that Valkyrie Chronicles and Disgaea 3 are both JRPG's....but they are also SRPG's. Many people such as myself prefer one type over the other. I don't like Strategy RPG's near as much as "traditional" JRPG's. It would be nice to be able to differentiate between them.

The ps3 is getting some SRPG's, but not any traditional JRPG's in the forseeable future---which is completely unacceptable to me.

 Things were a lot easier when it was ARPG, TRPG, and SRPG.  

That's still my favored model.  Since it tells you what kinda gameplay your going to get... not where a game was manufactured. 

Bingo, and I agree completely.  This is a  MUCH better method of classifying RPG's.  I'm a TRPG fan which the ps3 sorely lacks right now.  Enchanted Arms is the only one if you can even call that a game.

PSN ID: Sorrow880

Gamertag: Sorrow80

Wii #: 8132 1076 3416 7450