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According to Wikipedia an RPG is:

An electronic role-playing game is a broad genre of video games. These games are originally derived from traditional role-playing games, especially Dungeons & Dragons, and use both the settings and game mechanics found in such games.

Typically, gameplay centers around one or more avatars, with quantized characteristics that evolve over the course of the game, and take the place of the gamer's own skill in determining game outcomes. Another common element in RPGs is a well-developed fictional setting. These attributes are traditionally displayed to the player on a status screen as a numeric value, instead of a simpler abstract graphical representation, such as the bars and meters favored by video games in general.

The stories featured usually involve a group of characters (a party) who have joined forces in order to accomplish a mission or "quest". Along the way, the adventurers must face a great number of challenges and enemies. These are usually monsters inspired by fantasy fiction, and, to a lesser extent, science fiction and classical mythology.

If JRPG are not RPG, I wonder what they are... And besides JPRG and WRPG are unofficial sub-genres. It's just a way to show how different those kind of games play but ultimately, they are in the same genre.

How many cups of darkness have I drank over the years? Even I don't know...