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sc94597 said:
memory2zack said:
Open-world is not synonymous to RPG. In fact it alienates you from the character. I would hardly consider Oblivion a true RPG. The RPGs that embrace most RPG aspects are what Bioware did in Kotor and Mass Effect.
An RPG needs a good mix of character attachment, personality, a good amount of interaction, social and "job" development as well as a decent amount of "freedom of choice " outside of battles.

 The point of role playing is to let YOU be the character. Let you how you want your character to develop. There shouldn't be a prederermined path in a rpg.

 Being that restricted isn't really necessary.  Having a story is fine, however for it to be an RPG, the player needs to feel that the character they are playing reflects them through their actions.  If the players actions have no effect on the story, then it isn't an RPG.

I give that post a 9.3. 

Thank god for the disable signatures option.