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Lone_Canis_Lupus said:

There was a fair bit of Anywhere else, that logic is flawed. ;) See what I did there? Flawed doesn't mean wrong, it just means it could be wrong. You said there would be hype before MS announced it. The hype followed the announcement. And it was about which console it was going to be on, not the actual game itself.

Why do you think there's been such massive flamewars the last few days? PS3 fans were pumped for the title, now they won't get to play it.  Hang on.  Didn't you say SO4 going to 360 was whats pushed you over the edge of getting the console?!?  You are the proof of what I'm talking about.  YOU were hyped for the game because you thought you could play it on the PS3.  Now its not on the PS3, you STILL need to play it so you'll get a 360.

You were right, but parts of that logic was flawed. This isn't black and white. There are many factors/variables that go into this. So you were right on some things but flawed in others.

Again, definitions.  Flawed, logic and right don't fit together.

The zune thing was flawed because you were saying you could watch it on your Zune as if SE/Tri-Ace intended on you watching it that way. That's how it was flawed. I also agree, and we said almost certainly. Even you have to admit it seemed very likely at the time. We were wrong, we admited it when you gloated the other day.

At NO POINT did I say that SE intended people to watch the trailer on a Zune.  All I did was point out that they through in a bid of additional video content, not some ultra-special encoded game demo or something.  Sony fans said the trailer on the PSP was proof, I pointed out (correctly) that it wasn't.

You're right, it hasn't, but that doesn't mean it can't. You're saying that because it hasn't shown ability, there is no possible way a hyped JRPG wouldn't do well on the PS3. That's flawed. That's an assumption. You assume a hyped JRPG like Final Fantasy won't do well.

I haven't once said there is no possible way a hyped JRPG would do well on the PS3.  I'm sure FFXIII will do just fine.  What I'm saying is that from a publisher's point of view, the console hasn't even begun to prove itself in that genre yet.

You were right, but the logic wasn't completely backed up. Oh also "At the end of the day the trailer thing was your flawed logic, not mine." You said flawed logic wasn't possible. ;) It was irony my friend


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