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fatslob-:O said:
Shaunodon said:

I was actually talking from a neutral standpoint on how I think they'll be received, and most of that lineup looks very stale.

If I was talking from my own personal preference, there's about two titles I would even consider and the rest I wouldn't touch with a 10ft pole.

You wish you were but nearly everyone has biases here including myself that keeps them from being a representative sample of the general consumer ...  

It's not about how well they'll be received by reviewers, in fact most of them shouldn't even be judged by that metric when it should be how many units each of them can sell ... 

Sony's success strategy has always consisted of getting as many of the highest selling titles on their platform like we see with PS1/PS2 days so I have no idea why PS4 would fail to move significant amount of hardware during this holiday in what it appears to be it's peak year and YOU YOURSELF EVEN CONSIDERING two titles from what I listed is a good sign and just shows how much of a broad appeal that platform has ... (It could be anything from sports games to shooters, RPGs, action-adventures, survival/horror or whatever you want to pick out) 

Again, I never said anything about reviews/reviewers, so I'm not sure why you keep putting these words in my mouth. I'm talking about in the general consumers eye, most of these franchises are either losing their luster or suffering from controversy. GTSport is just a total bomb.

When I said considering two of them, I very much ment 'considering'. It's more likely I'll wait until after holidays and a price drop, seeing as I have about 6 games at least which I know I'll be picking up alongside my Switch bundle. And neither of those two games would push me towards buying a PS4 had I not already owned one, especially since they're available on PC anyway.