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Bursche said:
cdude1034 said:
Bursche said:

The problem with not having enough oil is that we've been "running out" since the '70's. No one knows exactly how much oil we have, the capacity we have to refine it, or how much there's left in the Earth. All we can do is speculate...

And it's those same speculators that more or less control the price at the moment. The bubble will burst, it's a matter of when.

Which is why we need to start preparing for a world without petroleum. Lets say there is enough oil to last us another 50 years, we need to start making sure now that we have enough to last a lot longer for food instead of oil for our cars.

 Don't get me wrong, I completely agree with you, we need to be positioned not just to survive, but to thrive when we run out of oil. This topic was originally about the price of oil, though.


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