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Coca-Cola said:
O.T: good question. Maybe they don't trust 360 and were not impressed with the original xbox.

Off Topic: I never like rpgs or jrpgs but since I own a 360 and the excitement over rpgs is getting me interested.
which rpg and jrpg game is the easiest for me to start with?

None of them. I highly doubt if you haven't liked them before, you'll like them now, unless you are going to be delusional, and start liking them because they are on the XBox360.

You can try Mass Effect. It's from a great company (Bioware), and has a good mix of action/RPG. It's still definitely an RPG though. Not sure what you might like on the JRPG side of things though. It's IMO a love or hate situation with JRPGs.