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This is why I avoid getting caught up in any kind of online argument, heated or otherwise.
I'm not sure my own failings are hidden deep enough so that they may never see the light of day.

Otherwise, why was there a Gamergate?
If you are extremely friendly to people on whose work you report, you should not be reporting on said people unless you do so from your own blog or your own, personal, channel on Youtube. The moment your views on the product that you report on are compromised, you are a fraud.
I'm really amazed how the whole thing ended up as a feminism vs the world type of war.

I should start a shit storm like that in the literary world of Romania. There's a literary critic that's hyping up this trashy edgy writer lady who he's fucking. I'd love to see some fallout on that.
Yes, I am bitter for spending money on a book that was pure trash, based on a critic's word for it.