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starcraft said:
Lone_Canis_Lupus said:

Clearly you're a retard. You never maintained you were right. All you used was very flawed logic, but yet in the end you were right. Why do you think I said "Pot, meet kettle?" You're a hypocrite is what I'm saying. I'm saying you're going to use flawed logic everywhere else yet say he can't use flawed logic...because you're the only one who can. Oh no, we'll have to wait a couple of years to see if he's right! We had to wait months to see if you were right. Those months waiting to see if you were right could have been spent on something else.

This is the real world, things take time...even in the gaming world. The point of that post was to show you that you used flawed logic but turned out to be right, and that Tombi could turn out to be right. If you can make assumptions, everybody else can. He can assume that the PS3 and Wii might play catch up later on. Either concede and say you use flawed logic and could have been wrong then, or accept Tombi could be right.

But thats just it isn't it.  MY logic was never flawed.  It was essentially me and a few supporters versus a whole rack of you Sony guys.  Sony-fans were the only ones that said I was illogical.

My logic WAS right.  Don't you get that?  Don't you get why I gloated in that thread (which I acknowledged was a mistake and apologised for)?  Its because after being shot-down time and time again by you guys even though what I was saying was perfectly logical, it turned out I was completely right.

I made assumptions, but I backed them up with reasonable hypothesis of the future developments of this generation.  Clearly I was right to make those hypothesis.  But Tombi isn't making assumptions that are even remotely reasonable.  He may have been able to argue the Wii would get more, better JRPG's this generation, or even that the PS3 would be able to hold its own, but his exact words were "getting a 360 for JRPG's is very foolish."

One more thing.  I find the derogatory use of the word "retard" to be very offensive, and if you use it to describe me or anyone else again, I WILL report you. 


 The logic was right, but still flawed. Sony would have instantly announced the game if it was on their platform but Microsoft would have waited? Flawed. The game would be hyped then announced by Microsoft? Flawed, there was virtually no hype for the game. So what I can watch it on my PSP, SE/Tri-Ace totally intended on me watching it on my Zune. Flawed. The PS3 has shown no ability to show JRPGs even though pretty much none were released. Flawed. Your logic was flawed, but right.

 What I'm saying is Tombi's logic could be right, even if flawed. You were right to make assumptions.? Assumptions make an ass out of you and me. Ass u me.  No, he said getting a 360 for JRPGs this generation is very foolish. Because you assume the 360 will be the JRPG king this generation. Quit quote mining. You took that part out of context.

  I clearly wasn't using retard in that way. It's kind of like how words can have a double meaning. I could still be insulting people without insulting actual mentally challenged people...but I will respect your wishes.

PSN: Lone_Canis_Lupus