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Shaunodon said:
Nuvendil said:


And yet they're sales are still up year on year and still beating all opponents globally on a regular basis and standing toe to toe with the Switch in the States.  And as someone already pointed out, PS4 charting positions here are not unusual for the time, the Switch is just way higher than is typical.  

You people keep crying out that the market is saturated and it's too expensive but all actual evidence says otherwise. 

I think we should hold off and see how the holidays go first.

The PS4's lineup is looking noticeably slim and stale compared to previous years, especially with GTSport looking like a bit of a bomb. And the competition from Switch and XB1X could be significant.

Wouldn't surprise me if we do see a PS4 price drop just for safety.

I anticipate a black friday deal, not a price drop.  PS4 is currently the domminant brand in consumer mind share and has the more positive image vs Xbox.  It will get the lion's share of multiplat driven sales.  Again.  And those games being sequels is unlikely to be much of an issue.  I kinda find it funny people brought that up.  

Nothe brand most likely to feel the sting of Switch sales is Xbox One.  Makes a weaker argument for primary platform status and a weak argument for secondary system status.  Switch could eat into sales on both fronts, especially secondary system sales.  Playstation has a very firm hold on primary system sales.