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Lone_Canis_Lupus said:

If you can use flawed logic, so can he:

This all was flawed logic, but you were right (well, Dodoce was, but you used the logic as well) on pretty much all accounts except the PS3 having no ability to move JRPGs and the watching it on the Zune thing. You made a lot of assumptions in these claims. Tombi is doing the same thing. So Pot, meet kettle.

I don't claim credit for this idea, Dodoce posted it a while back but I couldn't find the thread:

-If this game was on the PS3, Sony would want us to know about it already. This holds for both PS3 exclusive and PS3/360 multiplatform. Sony is still largely trading on potential as far as games go, ESPECIALLY in Japan where sales are dismal.

If MS would wait on announcing it, why would Sony? Flawed logic.

-IF the game was on the 360, there would be more reason for Microsoft to hold off on an announcement. As we have seen with Lost Odyssey and to a lesser extent Eternal Sonata, Japanese gamers are immediately discounting amazing Japanese-orientated games when they are announced 360 exclusive. However if you hype Star Ocean 4 non-stop, building up the perception in hardcore Japanese gamer's minds that it is a must have and THEN announce it for the 360, they will be more inclined to pick up the console for the game, rather than switching off.

You were right on this, but it was still flawed logic because I've seen virtually NO hype for Star Ocean 4. MS still waited to announce, so I'll give you this one.

-It must also be noted that the PS3 has shown NO ability to shift JRPG's in the West, whereas the 360 has shown some (limited) ability to do so. Much of this ridiculous idea that the PS3 can sell JRPG's right now comes from the PS2's legacy.

This is flawed logic because the PS3 didn't have any good JRPGs (or probably any at all) at that time. You can't assume on it's ability to sell JRPGs if we haven't seen it.


-Something about "So what if we can watch it on the PSP? I can watch it on my Zune too.

Do I have to say it? Flawed logic, you assumed just because you could watch it on the Zune SE/Tri-Ace had intention for you watching it on the Zune.


Please don't try to play the Star Ocean 4 card.  Dodoce was right, its exclusive.  I was half-right, its on the 360.  You got pawned buddy.

But lets not try to pretend that post had any relevance to whats been said here.  Tombi hasn't used any of my points in this thread.  He's come in and done an epic troll job with a direct attempt to imply that some theoretical made rush of (presumably) exclusive JRPG's will come flying onto the PS3 just a few months after FFXIII and the reality is it just wont happen. 


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