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Currently I'd say.

1.6 (Even IGN agrees, this one had it all... it's only negative was the Esper system which somewhat robbed chars their originality.)
2.4 (Second best story in the series.)
3.Tactics (I love tactics games.  The story was a horrible Tactics Ogre copy... but so was just about everything else, and a horrible Tactics Ogre copy is still a great game if you like SRPGs.)
4.5  (The Job system rules... the story is bad... but at least it's not as intrusive and time wasting as later games)
6.3 (The job system is ok.  It's not what it is in 5 since you don't get any cross class benefits.)
7.1 (The original.. still fun.)
8.12 (Really fun gameplay... but a story that is not only bad, but wastes your time... a lot.  If there had been no story think probably would of been at the 4 spot.)
9. Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest  (It's extremly easy, has a chilidish story... it's still better then the rest... i mean at least it had no Random Encounters.  For what it is, it's fine.)
10.7 (This doesn't need explaining for half the people, and for the other half... they ain't going to see all the flaws even staring them in their face...)
11.2 (Best story of the NES ones... but the level up system was just so poorly executed... and it took the dragon warrior approach to monster placement but didn't even give you a bridge to warn you when you've moved from "Level 1 starter badguys" to "will kill your party in 1 hit" guys.

Unrated 10,9 & 8. I have disfavorable memories of playing 10 and 8 but how much i dislike them i don't remember... so it could be anywhere between 7 and 11.

I don't remeber anything about 9 except the kickass card game.