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BengaBenga said:
Ok, one thing: Japanese love American stuff. They even pay big money for vintage Levi's jeans etc. And iPod isn't exactly bombing over there.

I think it has partly to do with brand. Nintendo and Sony are so enormously well known there that it's hard for MS to capture marketshare. Plus the image of Xbox is very much western shooters. The new RPG's should help. Image building can be a slow process. 360 is already doing a lot better than the original Xbox.

 The Japanese are perplexing when it comes to their buying habits.  Many of the American products they like are culture based.  They do like aspects of American culture, like Levi jeans.  The iPod doesn't bomb there because it is hands over fists better than many of the Japanese offerings.  The 360 fails because Japan is seen by the Japanese as being very, very strong in the video game market.  They would much rather buy the domestic product that they consider superior, regardless of the game offerings.  Microsoft never had a chance in Japan with the 360.  It doesn't have anything to do with Microsoft.  The Xbox brand would have to be overwelmingly better and become a world wide cultural invasion before the Japanese would buy it in larger numbers.

I give this thread a 9.6. 

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