JRPGfan said:
120m doesnt seem that unrealistic to me. March 2018 it should be ~78m sold through (I expect them to beat their forecast). and Imagine thats another year around 18m? Suddenly your not that far from the 100m mark. |
Yeah, but PS2 numbers ? I don't think it's going to happen, back then the PS2 was alone. Today, XBOX is still fighting with the release of the Xbox One X and the Switch has blockbuster success and still has sto struggle with shortages. Today, there is less reasons to buy a PS4 than before, it's not the most powerful console anymore (XBOX took that title), their exclusives are good but nos as Nintendo's hugely praised games which are about to be released, and it's not even the cheapest one (yet).
I always been a Sony fanboy (my first console was a PS1, and the first console I bought with my own money was the PS3, I only use Sony Xperia phones, have a Sony TV and even bought the PS TV) but when I had to choose between the PS4 and the Switch, the choice was obvious (at least, for me).