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Vinther1991 said:
RolStoppable said:

What is it then?

It’s a tool to integrate muslims better into western society, and get rid of the parallel-society we have gotten in Europe. A woman wearing a burqa can’t get a job or interact well with western civilisation in any way. With a burqa ban you clearly show that if you decide to live in Europe, you live in accordance with European culture and leave the female-opressive elements of your middle-eastern culture and religion behind

I most certainly view burqas as a symbol of oppression but I have trouble understanding how a ban is going to help those women. They wear burqas because they aren't allowed to show anything but their eyes, so what's going to happen if they no longer are allowed to wear them? One outcome is that they won't be allowed to go outside at all, which will make them more or less prisoners in their homes and thus make it even harder for them to become part of society. We already have enough problems with muslims (women in particular) having a rough time (to say the least) moving outside of these spheres of influence that the more orthodox have created.

It's not ideal that they wear those baking ovens but it'll at least make sure that those women may go outside and be part of society, even if there's a wall of black sheet between them and other people. Outside there's the chance that they be influenced by the world around them to the point that dangerous ideas start to pop up that eventually leads them to throw away the burqa out of their own free will.


I believe it's better to get rid of burqas by getting women to choose not to wear them. It'll take more time for sure but this is about changing or breaking traditions and in those cases you have to think longterm. A ban can be counter-productive and since it's difficult (or impossible) to just target burqas you end up with some mindboggling law like what they got in Austria. Plus, women might get mad when you tell them what they can or can not do.



Sucks that the FPÖ goons have so much support.

Pilz should change name to Pilzner for better impact.