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Captain_Yuri said:
Ruler said:

Yeah but why are you using it as argument that has no legal ground, they can do what ever they want the next day. You unlocked everything for free in overwatch because this is your main game your playing online, but would you like it to have this system in every game? Because you cant play all games the same amount like you do in overwatch, but you will found more and more content from other games being locked behind randomized lootboxes where it wasnt the case before, if blizzard does it why shouldnt other companies now? Its a bad bussines pracitice, its way cheaper to just pick and choose what ever you want as your skin, now we have to gamble.

And this argument that you can get everything for free by playing the game works with every game which has microtransactions. The difference here is that lootboxes randomizes the unlockables unlike progressive microtransactions before, it means you play even more to get what you want.

Starcraft 2 proofs that Blizzard does change its games to further milk its fanbases, its like the most milked game in existance inside the milky way by now,

1x 60$ game

x2 50$ expnasions (mandatory for latest multiplayer)

x1 25$ Story Nova DLC

x10 5$ for story coop commanders

x times 10$ for warchest

x times 150$ for every release of a blizzard collectors edtion for exclusive scins

x times 40$ for every blizzcon virtual ticket  for exclusive scins 

=2000$ or something

You see they still seprate DLC for your overwatch by making skins exclusive to blizzcon virtual ticket




Yea I would cause if the system in every game is just cosmetics locked behind loot boxes but I get maps and character dlc for free, then I don't mind that one bit since cosmetics don't affect gameplay... If other games however lock characters/maps/stuff that affects the gameplay behind loot boxes, then it is not the same implementation as overwatch.

And no it doesn't. There are plenty of games that have micro-transactions which do not allow you to unlock them by just playing the game. And also notice how I used "unlocked in a reasonable way" which is what overwatch does... As you play more games in overwatch and you level up, you get more lootboxes which either gives you skins or gold or both. With the gold you get, you can use it to unlock whatever skins that you want and not be limited to the random skins the lootboxes give you...

You do realize that every company has different devisions that work on different games and have different pricing models right? Like for example with Nintendo. You have games like Splatoon which has free dlc and you have games like Fire Emblem which has micro-transactions up the arse... Same with Sony, you have games like Gravity Rush 2 which gives you free DLC and you have Uncharted which also has micro-transactions and lootboxes...

Does that mean every Sony and Nintendo game will have micro-transactions? No... Does that mean every company is capable of doing anything? Yes... But that makes your point moot cause every company is capable of it...

Yeah but the difference is that Fireemblem and Uncharted 4 have a big singleplayer campaign and enough content on its own, not that it would excuse microtransactions but brings things into perspective. Its beyond me how people can say that Blizzard is doing microtransactions right but now all of the sudden EA or Warner Brothers arent? If you add 2+2 together Overtwach is the worse package for a 60$ game.

From what i know the Gold is giving you much less value what you paid if you transfor a duplicate into gold. And i still fail to see your argument how randomized lootboxes are supposed to give you free DLC, but traditional microtransactions arent? If you can buy whatever you want with Gold in overwatch why not giving only Gold instead of 4 random items? Wouldnt that be easier to unlock everything, kinda how microtransactions used to work before overwatch?