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johnsobas said:
Hawkeye said:
johnsobas said:
Hawkeye said:
ToastyJaguar said:
i recommend that everyone go on Ebay and pick up a Saturn, they are very cheap.

I still got mine from 1997 but it broke a few years ago and got a new one with 10 games for £30!.

Retro systems all the way.

If only Panzer Dragoon Saga was cheaper...

yeah, I know. How much do you think Dragon force and shining force 3 are worth?

Also, if I have Sonic R for GC, is it worth getting at $11 for saturn for collections sake?

Dragon force and shining force 3 are awesome games, well worth 50 or $60, probably not too much more than that. I personally owned both those games (sold them though). Even if for some reason you don't like them that much, you can sell them back at a similar price, these games aren't going down in price, only up.

I KNOW I would LOVE shining force 3- I love strpgs, and I had shining force dark dragon on my GBA. Even though it was a bad copy and couldn't save, it was very fun. Dragon force looks like a huge epic battle SRPG. very very cool. Hadn't thought about selling back. I bet I could buy Panzer Dragoon saga, gaurdian heroes, and chirstmas nights and then sell em back. I dont think ill buy albert oddessy though- that one looks like it might go down. If i buy shining force 3 and dragon force I wont sell em back!

yea guardian heroes is a must buy and it's less expensive than those other games, but I don't think christmas nights is that great if you already have nights. Though like i said you aren't losing much money by buying it and selling it. I would have to highly recommend shining force 3, dragon force, and guardian heroes. Those are probably the best games on the saturn.

 I would resell gaurdin heroes and panzer dragoon... no way I am dropping $120-$150 on a game. Shining force 3 and dragon force look excellent, and if I can find them for $40-$55 I will probably keep them... I payed $50 for super monkey ball banna blitz and $50 for shadow the heghog (this way actaully pretty fun though)/... I am sure that dragon force is twice the game those two will ever be, so may be it is worth the $50 or so...