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lightbleeder said:

After many JRPGs going to the 360 I think it's time for Sony to attack with several strategies.

Sony has to secure the rights of some JRPG, but it can't be done from one day to another, and if it is done I'm pretty sure those games would come a lot of time after the JRPGs that are coming to the 360, remember that those games require a lot of time to develop.

So what can Sony do while JRPGs are developed for PS3? One clever move would be to get companies that developed the best RPGs for the PSone to sell them through the Playstation Store.

Imagine these games on the PS Store:

- Chrono Cross

- Vagrant Story

- Xenogears

- Valkyrie Profile

- Grandia

- Suikoden I & II

- Arc The Lad Collection

- Front Mission III

- Tales of Destiny 2

- Thousand Arms

- Guardian's Crusade

- Alundra

I haven't played any of the games mentioned above but if they were to appear on the PSN I would buy them (got into RPG on the PS2 and the only RPG from PS1 I've beaton is FFVII). I love RPGs and Vagrant Story, Chrono Cross and Xenogears have always got my interest.

I'm excluding Final Fantasies and Dragon Quests bcause we all know you almost all get remade for the DS or PSP, but they would be a fine adition to the list (FFVI through IX and DQVII).

Sony should get moving and make some deals to make this happen while great current generation JRPGs are developed for the PS3!

 nice list,

- parasite eve

- parasite eve 2

- breath of fire iv  (maybe iii? yeah i know its out for the psp but i'd rather have it on the ps3)