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May add to it later as at work so will use the SAMPLE questions

What are your views on emulation?
- Double edged sword. But let's not kid ourselves most people use it for piracy. Personally i don't care what they use it for but don't champion it as a white knight game industry saviour.

What benefits does emulation provide?
- People talk about "preserving" the game but honesty if you want to do that buy the original and the system.
- People talk about "playing in higher res texture", well if Nintendo wanted you to play it at 4K they would have released hardware for it with better textures.
- People talk about "can't purchase the old console" WTF? eBay, local op shops, etc..
- One benefit i think it is good for is it allows us to play games that were never released and have leaked out over the years.

Does it impact game sales?

How do game creators feel about this?
Don't know, but I am sure they are not happy for new games.

What are the legalities and ethics around emulation?

What percentage of those that use emulators are engaged in privacy?
Don't know I never looked into it, but I have no doubt it is over 70%

Are there sources of data to support this?