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People think we are paying high prices now. Both Oil and  Food prices will go up as shortages kick in. Hard times are ahead for world's population. Floods wiped out half the world's rice supplies in Asia. Droughts in lots of countries also resulting in food shortages and obviously limited water supplies.

Oil prices will continue to go up as Middle Eastern conflicts continue. Crops in third world countires are being used to produce Bio-Fuel instead of food to feed people.

The recession is really starting to bite in the US economy. This will impact upon the rest of the world. Time will tell and we are all in for hard times. 

It has been almost 80 years since the Great Depression between 1929 to 1933 when the Wall street stock Market crashed. Could there be another worldwide economic depression?

^Economic conditions are very bleak. Economists are forecasting very bad economic outlook for world economies.What do you people  think of these predictions?