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Bandorr said:
GribbleGrunger said:

About the molded: Do you mean when was the last time it actually won an NPD? That makes it sound like they nearly always win.

Peorders should guarentee the X1X wins at least ONE month, but what our friend isn't realising is Amazon follows daily and weekly sales and then, following the monthly summary, begins affresh. I think he's under the impression that XB1 will be in the lead for ALL those months following its release when it's not even guarenteed it will be in the lead for ALL the FIRST month. He's made his bed so let him lie in it. 

I mean a singular NPD. Like 2014, and 2015 they won two. 2016 they won 4. So far they havent won one this year.

I thought Trump would make America great again.