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So money in politics... It's a bitch and Citizen United only made it worse. So where the fuck do we go from here?

Let me just show you why having groups/corporations donating to political campaigns is bad...

Taxes? Should perhaps be easier than repeal and replace right? Think again. If you don't close the loopholes then dropping the corporate rate from 35 to 20 is only going to balloon the deficit (let alone a good cut to the top individual rate and chump change for the rest). In the end using phony projections of economic growth from the cuts that never materialize is only going to pile on more debt. You can't use bullshit projections which never come to fruition. Sure there might be some economic growth but it is always overstated which understates the true debt incurred.

Getting back to why it is bad for lobbying groups to give money to politicians. The only way to make the cuts more viable is to close all loopholes which we know isn't going to happen because of the campaign donations. I guarantee whatever bill that tries to move forward will have provisions here and there for whoever is coughing up the most money. Our system is a joke.