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Squilliam said:
MontanaHatchet said:
starcraft said:
Well, especially for the NA market the 360 actually has a superior line-up this year. That, plus a cheaper price, and the whole 'play what your friends are playing' concept should keep it strong in the USA.

This prediction doesn't mean much though, as price cuts and massive games like Gears of War 2 are part of the usual console cycle, excluding events like that from your prediction doesn't exactly make it a bold one.

 Why is the line up superior? Both have very good games coming out, with many of them multiplatform. 

The Xbox360 lineup has better mass appeal. We must look beyond the falacy that the views expressed herein this forums actually are reflected in the general gaming populace.

Theres something for everyone, they even have what looks like the first biggish MMORPG since WOW coming to the 360. Significance: high, its a fresh market to tap. Certainly its much more important than yet another shooter for either system.

Games that have western appeal and are easy to get into

Fable 2 - Looks very simplified.

Too Human - Same.

Left 4 dead - Valve is famous for ease of use and polish.

Halo Wars - Big name and excellent developers. Ensemble is one of the few developers in the world that I would have faith in really bringing the RTS genre to the console space.

Sacred 2 - Hack and slash is quite an easy genre to pick up and play. Button mash until you get it, and Sacred is a decent quality franchise to boot.

Furthermore, all these games look to have a significant online or offline/online Coop component.

Im not doubting that the PS3 has great games coming, just that the 360 has the games to expand the userbase.

Fabe 2  (could be good if the developers are telling the truth)

Too human- hard core

left 4 dead-hard core

halo wars( those who liked the halo series have an xbox already, rts sucks on concole)

sacred 2- ninja gaiden didnt do shit neither will sacred 2