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Aura7541 said:
the-pi-guy said:

It's not like when you join ANTIFA you get keys to their website.  ANTIFA (much like you've said of the alt-right in posts in the past) is made up of a variety of different groups that don't have connection with eachother.  Their motivated by the same goal (being anti-fascist), but they operate separately with no connections between each other.  


This actually bolsters my point further. You're right, you don't just get the keys if you just joined ANTIFA. Therefore, the website was handled by the leaders/higher ups of the group. However, they violated Patreon's community guidelines even though they agreed to terms when they opened their account. One of the responsibilities of being a leader is to set a good example for others. If the leaders of your group went as far as to violate the "Bullying, Harassment, and Hate Speech" and "Facilitating Harmful or Dangerous Activity" clauses, then that group is simply not a good group.

I guess an easy way out of this for me is being an anti-fascist without being a member of Antifa, because then I don't have to be held accountable for their actions. Unfortunately though it's nearly impossible to achieve anything as an individual.