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starcraft said:
LongLiveTheBeatles said:

You know what? I'm banging my head against a wall throwing source after source out in front of you while you continue to speculate. This is a battle between fact and opinion, and your alliance with Microsoft is more powerful than your ability to be rational. I want you to objectively look at this thread and then come to your own honest conclusion because there is no use in arguing with someone who is being completely delusional. What I like doing is thinking of ways to counter my own arguments. Do the same thing yourself and you find it is very flawed and is based heavily on guesses, estimations, and things you must assume. A great example is your magic number of 30GB's.

I'm done here

Peace out


Did you just fail to provide the link I requested, then in the same post label yourself the fact side of an opinion vs fact argument?

Well you lived up to my expectations. I did note that you'd probably declare me irrational, divert the point of conversation to a ramble about delusions and then storm off in a huff.

Well played.


He didn't provide the link because he didn't want you to know what the "features" cut were.

the ability to play both English and Japanese language. (if i remember said article correctly.)

Which really states nothig... except that compressed they might have been able to fit both on the disc (since it was planned) but had to be cut because Kojima demanded uncompressed audio.