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Well, I don't think anyone has posted this story yet which happened a few days ago...


Apparently there is a woman that goes around jogging and takes dump in people's yards apparently with no regard if children or anyone else sees her in the act.



Her children were the first to catch the runner mid-poop, with her pants around her ankles, Cathy Budde said.

Immediately, they ran to get their mother.

“They are like, ‘There’s a lady taking a poop!’ So I come outside, and I’m like … ‘are you serious?’ ”  Budde told KKTV.

She confronted the woman, asking, “Are you really taking a poop right here in front of my kids?”

“Yeah, sorry,'” the woman replied.


Favorite headline for story

A Jogger Known As ‘The Mad Pooper’ Keeps Sh*tting On People’s Lawns