5 hours since last update.
#8 NS Grey (same)
#9 SNES Classic (same)
#13 NS Neon (down 3)
#20 NS Mario (up 5)
#50 PS4 Slim (up 2)
#70 N2DSXL Pokeball (down 6)*
#78 PS4 Pro (down 4)
#82 XBO S (up 1)
#1 NS Super Mario Odyssey (same)
#10 PS4 Middle-Earth: Shadow Of War (up 1)
#21 PS4 Gran Turismo Sport (up 3)
#28 XBO Middle-Earth: Shadow Of War (up 5)
#32 3DS Pokemon Ultra Sun (down 2)*
#36 3DS Pokemon Ultra Moon (down 2)*
#38 PS4 South Park: The Fractured but Whole (down 2)
#43 NS Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Special Edition (down 5)*
#45 PS4 Middle-Earth: Shadow Of War Gold Edition (same)
#46 PS4 Call of Duty: WWII (up 1)*
#48 XBO Call of Duty: WWII
Does not affect this month: *
Just noticed Wolfenstein and AC are releasing the same day as Mario.