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VGPolyglot said:
RolStoppable said:

People who label any Trump supporter as a nazi are probably not capable of doing any better, because they are very left-leaning. After all, the farther you move to the left, the closer you get to the right end of the spectrum. That's how it is in politics.

Further you go left, closer you get to the right? I assume you're referring to the horseshoe idea then.

Horseshoe theory is one that I very much believe in, as I've seen many similarities in the far right and far left. The further to either extreme you go, the more similar these people act, and actual ideas begin to give way to violent/suppressive characteristics and tactics at all costs. This video explains it very well. The main difference, as this professor puts it, distiled down to its absolute simpliest form - "In the far right Fascist imperial regime, a man is shot by the authorities at dawn for the crime of stealing an apple of the STATE. In the Communist, hyper Socialist dictatorship, a man is shot at dawn for stealing an apple of THE PEOPLE." The common theme is "as the horseshoe ends, YOU stop mattering. Only the role you play in 'The People' or 'The State' matters."

I think a lot of this "TRUMP/suppoters are NAZIS" stuff is projection, as these people see a lot of themselves, or at least of what they support, on the opposite end of the spectrum.

This is why I've always stressed Libertarianism/Individualism over hardcore left vs right or Authoritarianism.


"We hold these truths to be self-evident - all men and women created by the, go-you know.. you know the thing!" - Joe Biden