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collint0101 said:
DialgaMarine said:
I don't think it is; you just have a handful of dumbasses that think it's cool. Neither the left nor right support them; the right just doesn't think it's necessary to go out of their way to inflict physical harm, so long as they stay in their lane and do their silly chants. At the end of the day, people like ANTIFA are honestly no better; just a group of fascists with a slightly different rhetoric. Communism deserves to be ripped to shreds as much Fascism, if not more so.

Am I the only person that thinks communism simply isn't as bad as fascism or nazism? Communism is just an economic system, it's not sustainable in the long run but it's not evil. Like there's no part in the Communist manifesto that says hate this group of people just because they're different. Yes a lot of evil was done by communist in the 1900s but evil is just as capable of existing within capitalist systems. 

It's not about what the manifesto says but what their leaders did in the name of those ideologies, just like Fascism was not about killing jews but now is related to that, Communism murdered millions just because of their religion just like Nazism, it's not just economics.

I know... my English sucks.