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Your F-tilt spamming Snake will not save you! Personally I find its the way you attack people that gets you killed early. You attack people indiscriminately and they then hit you back, which then ends up getting you into a 3-1. It's best to pick someone out of a crowd and try to psuedo 1v1 them or to gang up on someone. If theres a group of 3 people fighting and you're left alone. Don't just barge in and try to hit them all at once. Walk up slowly, then just out of range try charging a smash or special. Someones bound to get hit near you eventually >.> It's amazing how many F-smash kills I've got this way.

If I can win Free for Alls as Kirby with an absurd amount of KOs theres no reason you shouldn't be able to win with Meta Knight or Marth.

You could always to what I do as well. As soon as someone clears the stage, go after them and edge guard em. =p Tis how I get my 7-10 KO wins with Kirby

My Creations in Modnation Racers! Check zhem!